I usually don’t have any New Year’s resolutions, but I’ve been doing some thinking about what I would like to accomplish this year, and came up with this list. It’s unordered, incomplete, and by no means exhaustive, but it does capture pretty well what I consider important right now.
It’ll be fun to visit back in a year and see how I did, and how much my priorities changed throughout the year.
Launch Autoblue’s premium version
Last month I officially released Autoblue, my new WordPress plugin that allows you to share your posts to Bluesky automatically, and shows Bluesky replies on your website.
I have tons of new features planned, some of which will be part of the premium version. One of my first goals for 2025 is to launch this premium version and start working towards my big goal of having a sustainable plugin business.
Have at least two premium plugins for sale
Following up on the previous point, I want to have multiple plugins for sale, not just Autoblue. I’m already working on Better Loop, and have some other ideas as well.
Get back into a regular gym habit
I was doing really well last year, but fell off the wagon after my wedding and haven’t been to the gym in a while. I’d like to get back in the groove. Lifting weights regularly seems to have a positive effect on multiple parts of my life (diet, energy, mental health, focus).
Run a half marathon
We’ll see about this one, but I’ve been meaning to get into running now, and a half marathon feels like the right combination of ambitious while still being feasible for a new runner. I don’t have any time aspirations—running a half marathon would be a big accomplishment for me.
Write at least two blog posts a month
This is the only one where I’ve included a number. I work with WordPress full-time and run into plenty of interesting problems, some of which should be written about to help others.
When I run wp post list --year=2024 --format=count
next January, I want the number to be at least 24.
Start creating videos
While I don’t plan on starting a YouTube channel and becoming a content creator, I do want to start creating videos showing off my plugins, how they work and what they can do. They can be both marketing and documentation in one.
Learn more about scripting and server configurations
I’ve been learning more about running web servers (installing Nginx with caching, issuing SSL certificates, configuring off-site backups etc) and really enjoy it so far.
In addition, I’ve been creating some small scripts for myself (such as this Autoblue release script) that are quite helpful and fun to make, and want to create more of these as well.
Improve my home lab
I have a small Intel NUC at home that’s running Proxmox, Home Assistant and Adguard. Ideally, this computer gets an upgrade and a NAS and becomes a home media server as well.
Start using my mechanical keyboard for real
I have a beautiful Lily58 keyboard that I assembled myself, but never really got used to it—I need to give it another try, and I think it could make me a more productive if done correctly.
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